Meredith College
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Meredith College has been educating strong, confident women for more than a century. Chartered in 1891, the College opened with 200 students and a mission to provide a first-rate course of female education. Today Meredith is one of the largest independent women’s colleges in the U.S., graduating nearly 500 students each year who come from across the country and around the world.

Points of pride
Many colleges say they offer a personal education. Meredith College delivers on that promise. Rigorous academics and a commitment to experiential learning – offered in a personalized environment – challenge Meredith women to discover their individual strengths and then grow stronger. We promise you this: No matter how strong you think you are, you’re stronger. Come to Meredith and we’ll prove it.

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Barnard College
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When it was founded in 1889, Barnard was one of very few American colleges where women could receive the same rigorous and challenging education available to men. The College was named after Frederick A.P. Barnard, then the 10th president of Columbia University, who fought unsuccessfully to admit women to Columbia. Today, Barnard is one of the most selective academic institutions in the country and remains devoted to empowering extraordinary women to become even more exceptional.

Points of pride
Barnard College provides a singular educational experience, as a world-renowned college focused on excellence across the arts and sciences, with all the academic resources of Columbia University and the City of New York as an extended classroom.

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Bryn Mawr College
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Short History
When Bryn Mawr College opened its doors in 1885, it offered women a more ambitious academic program than any previously available to them in the United States. Other women's colleges existed, but Bryn Mawr was the first to offer graduate education through the Ph.D.—a signal of its founders' refusal to accept the limitations imposed on women's intellectual achievement at other institutions.

Points of pride
Bryn Mawr College is a highly selective women's college right outside Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. A close-knit community of about 1,420 undergraduate students, Bryn Mawr is renowned for its academic excellence and engagement with the world.
On Bryn Mawr’s historic campus, students find challenging courses and research opportunities; strong bonds with faculty, students, and alumnae/i; and innovative programs that connect study with action. Students, faculty, and staff work together to build a community that is inclusive and welcoming. Through a holistic curriculum, the country’s oldest Self-Government Association, and a student-owned honor code, Bryn Mawr encourages original thinking.
Critical, creative, and collaborative, Bryn Mawr students and alumnae/i are agents of change and forever members of a community founded on the respect for individuals.