Meredith College
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Short History
Meredith College has been educating strong, confident women for more than a century. Chartered in 1891, the College opened with 200 students and a mission to provide a first-rate course of female education. Today Meredith is one of the largest independent women’s colleges in the U.S., graduating nearly 500 students each year who come from across the country and around the world.

Points of pride
Many colleges say they offer a personal education. Meredith College delivers on that promise. Rigorous academics and a commitment to experiential learning – offered in a personalized environment – challenge Meredith women to discover their individual strengths and then grow stronger. We promise you this: No matter how strong you think you are, you’re stronger. Come to Meredith and we’ll prove it.

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Brenau University
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Short History
Brenau University was founded in 1878 as the Georgia Baptist Female Seminary by Dr. W.C. Wilkes. In 1900, H.J. Pearce, who was the institution’s president at the time, named it Brenau, which is a linguistic blend of the German word “brennen,” meaning “to burn,” and the Latin “aurum,” which translates to “gold.” This combination embodies Brenau’s motto, “As gold refined by fire.” Today, Brenau University consists of The Women’s College, the coed Undergraduate School, and the Sidney O. Smith Graduate School.

Points of pride
Brenau University is more than a place of learning. It’s a place where you can find your voice, explore your passions and meet people who you’ll cherish for the rest of your life. You’ll thrive alongside a group of open-minded students, and learn from professors in small classroom settings who truly want to help you succeed. Each day, you’ll discover new things about yourself and the world around you. And, before you know it, you’ll graduate confident and prepared to accomplish your dreams.