"How Women’s Colleges Are Breaking Down Barriers", by President Elizabeth Meade - Cedar Crest College

Post date: 3/10/2020

In a recent article published on University Business, Cedar Crest College President, Dr. Elizabeth Meade discusses the power of women’s colleges and how they are constantly evolving to meet the developing needs of women and society.

“Women’s colleges have transformed American society by placing women in positions of leadership and influence. They have produced the first generation of women leaders who worked tirelessly to open doors for women and to achieve pay parity, and broke new ground in their professional fields along the way”, says President Meade.

She also explains how Cedar Crest College is implementing different strategies to set students for success. “We are remaking the vision of a women’s liberal arts college by breaking down barriers between curriculum, student activities and employment into an integrated educational experience that prepares our students for life and work in the 21st century”.

Click here to read the full article.

Mount Saint Mary's University Receives National Recognition of Wellness Model

Post date: 3/4/2020

National recognition has arrived for Mount Saint Mary’s University's student-led wellness initiative. In November 2019, the University’s peer wellness advocates were named Outstanding Peer Group of the Year by the National Association of Student Personnel Administrators (NASPA) — the largest peer education group in the country. NASPA also invited the Mount to speak at its annual conference in Baltimore, Maryland, and share successful wellness strategies other schools could replicate.

Women’s Colleges and Transgender: Where Do Their Loyalties Lie?

Post date: 6/9/2014

Women's colleges were founded on progressive assumptions about inclusion and empowerment.  But they were also founded for specific beneficiaries: women.  But who counts as a woman? And is it possible for colleges to draw that line without redefining their missions of tolerance?

How to Afford a College Education for Your Daughter

Post date: 10/10/2013

Women's colleges offer real value and real advantages for your college-bound daughter.  They help young women thrive and are surprisingly affordable as these families discovered.