"Gender crisis is in pay, not college enrollment", by President Carine Feyten - Texas Woman's University

Post date: 6/23/2022

In a recent article published on The Dallas Morning News, Texas Woman's University President, Carine Feyten, deploys recent research to illustrate how popular concerns over the "crisis" of male enrollment miss the point. Read how she reframes the matter to bring attention back to the gender pay gap.

Click here to read the full article.

Alverno Community Conference Will Explore Women’s Empowerment From Suffrage to #MeToo Movement

Post date: 2/13/2020

 Alverno College will host its annual Community Conference on Friday, February 28, which will focus on exploring women's empowerment from the suffrage era to today’s #MeToo movement. Tiffany Henry, president of the Milwaukee Urban League Young Professionals and Milwaukee Office Director for U.S. Senator Tammy Baldwin, will serve as the keynote speaker for the event, which is open to the public.


Women’s Colleges and Transgender: Where Do Their Loyalties Lie?

Post date: 6/9/2014

Women's colleges were founded on progressive assumptions about inclusion and empowerment.  But they were also founded for specific beneficiaries: women.  But who counts as a woman? And is it possible for colleges to draw that line without redefining their missions of tolerance?

Women Lag in Leadership Roles, CEO Earnings New National Report Shows

Post date: 11/10/2013

At the highest levels of the American workforce, less than 20 percent of the top leadership jobs are held by women, according to a new national study, which found that women, on average, earn less than men in comparable jobs while, by some measures, outperforming them.